$248,000 Mortgage Loan for 5 Years

How much is the monthly payment for a $248k home paid over 5 years?
What's the monthly payment on a $248,000 Mortgage Paid Over 5 Years?
The monthly payment for a 5 year fixed rate loan of $248k is dependent on the APR. Browse below to see the payment based on the interest rate.
Rate Loan Amount Monthly Payment Total Paid Over 5 Years (60 Payments)
4% 248,000 4,567.30 274,037.85
5% 248,000 4,680.07 280,803.96
6% 248,000 4,794.53 287,672.09
7% 248,000 4,910.70 294,641.83
8% 248,000 5,028.55 301,712.75
Try to get several mortgage quotes since a small change in interest rates can have a big difference in payments over the long run. This calculator can be used to determine any type of loan, such as a mobile home, apartment, single family house, condo, coop, etc. Make sure to add in the other items, such as HOA fees, taxes, insurance, and maintenace.
248,000 Mortgage Loan for 5 Years
Rate 5 Years
0.05% 4,138.59
0.1% 4,143.85
0.15% 4,149.11
0.2% 4,154.38
0.25% 4,159.65
0.3% 4,164.93
0.35% 4,170.21
0.4% 4,175.49
0.45% 4,180.78
0.5% 4,186.08
0.55% 4,191.37
0.6% 4,196.68
0.65% 4,201.98
0.7% 4,207.29
0.75% 4,212.61
0.8% 4,217.93
0.85% 4,223.25
0.9% 4,228.58
0.95% 4,233.91
1% 4,239.25
1.05% 4,244.59
1.1% 4,249.94
1.15% 4,255.29
1.2% 4,260.64
1.25% 4,266.00
1.3% 4,271.36
1.35% 4,276.73
1.4% 4,282.10
1.45% 4,287.47
1.5% 4,292.85
1.55% 4,298.24
1.6% 4,303.62
1.65% 4,309.02
1.7% 4,314.41
1.75% 4,319.81
1.8% 4,325.22
1.85% 4,330.63
1.9% 4,336.04
1.95% 4,341.46
2% 4,346.88
2.05% 4,352.31
2.1% 4,357.74
2.15% 4,363.18
2.2% 4,368.62
2.25% 4,374.06
2.3% 4,379.51
2.35% 4,384.96
2.4% 4,390.42
2.45% 4,395.88
2.5% 4,401.35
Rate 5 Years
2.55% 4,406.82
2.6% 4,412.29
2.65% 4,417.77
2.7% 4,423.25
2.75% 4,428.74
2.8% 4,434.23
2.85% 4,439.72
2.9% 4,445.22
2.95% 4,450.73
3% 4,456.24
3.05% 4,461.75
3.1% 4,467.26
3.15% 4,472.79
3.2% 4,478.31
3.25% 4,483.84
3.3% 4,489.37
3.35% 4,494.91
3.4% 4,500.46
3.45% 4,506.00
3.5% 4,511.55
3.55% 4,517.11
3.6% 4,522.67
3.65% 4,528.23
3.7% 4,533.80
3.75% 4,539.37
3.8% 4,544.95
3.85% 4,550.53
3.9% 4,556.11
3.95% 4,561.70
4% 4,567.30
4.05% 4,572.90
4.1% 4,578.50
4.15% 4,584.10
4.2% 4,589.71
4.25% 4,595.33
4.3% 4,600.95
4.35% 4,606.57
4.4% 4,612.20
4.45% 4,617.83
4.5% 4,623.47
4.55% 4,629.11
4.6% 4,634.75
4.65% 4,640.40
4.7% 4,646.06
4.75% 4,651.71
4.8% 4,657.38
4.85% 4,663.04
4.9% 4,668.71
4.95% 4,674.39
5% 4,680.07
Rate 5 Years
5.05% 4,685.75
5.1% 4,691.44
5.15% 4,697.13
5.2% 4,702.82
5.25% 4,708.52
5.3% 4,714.23
5.35% 4,719.94
5.4% 4,725.65
5.45% 4,731.37
5.5% 4,737.09
5.55% 4,742.81
5.6% 4,748.54
5.65% 4,754.28
5.7% 4,760.02
5.75% 4,765.76
5.8% 4,771.51
5.85% 4,777.26
5.9% 4,783.01
5.95% 4,788.77
6% 4,794.53
6.05% 4,800.30
6.1% 4,806.07
6.15% 4,811.85
6.2% 4,817.63
6.25% 4,823.42
6.3% 4,829.21
6.35% 4,835.00
6.4% 4,840.80
6.45% 4,846.60
6.5% 4,852.40
6.55% 4,858.22
6.6% 4,864.03
6.65% 4,869.85
6.7% 4,875.67
6.75% 4,881.50
6.8% 4,887.33
6.85% 4,893.17
6.9% 4,899.00
6.95% 4,904.85
7% 4,910.70
7.05% 4,916.55
7.1% 4,922.41
7.15% 4,928.27
7.2% 4,934.13
7.25% 4,940.00
7.3% 4,945.88
7.35% 4,951.75
7.4% 4,957.63
7.45% 4,963.52
7.5% 4,969.41
Rate 5 Years
7.55% 4,975.31
7.6% 4,981.20
7.65% 4,987.11
7.7% 4,993.01
7.75% 4,998.93
7.8% 5,004.84
7.85% 5,010.76
7.9% 5,016.69
7.95% 5,022.61
8% 5,028.55
8.05% 5,034.48
8.1% 5,040.42
8.15% 5,046.37
8.2% 5,052.32
8.25% 5,058.27
8.3% 5,064.23
8.35% 5,070.19
8.4% 5,076.16
8.45% 5,082.13
8.5% 5,088.10
8.55% 5,094.08
8.6% 5,100.06
8.65% 5,106.05
8.7% 5,112.04
8.75% 5,118.03
8.8% 5,124.03
8.85% 5,130.04
8.9% 5,136.04
8.95% 5,142.06
9% 5,148.07
9.05% 5,154.09
9.1% 5,160.12
9.15% 5,166.15
9.2% 5,172.18
9.25% 5,178.21
9.3% 5,184.26
9.35% 5,190.30
9.4% 5,196.35
9.45% 5,202.40
9.5% 5,208.46
9.55% 5,214.52
9.6% 5,220.59
9.65% 5,226.66
9.7% 5,232.73
9.75% 5,238.81
9.8% 5,244.90
9.85% 5,250.98
9.9% 5,257.07
9.95% 5,263.17
10% 5,269.27
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